Contact Us
Shady Grove Elementary
351 West Skippack Pike
Ambler, PA 19002
Click here to view directions on Google Maps
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Phone: 215-619-8106
Fax: 215-619-8088
Principal: Jason Bialka, Ed.D.
215-619-8016, ext. 4010
Assistant Principal
Jennifer Kennedy
215-619-8016, ext. 4011
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Staff Directory
As part of the school district’s cybersecurity efforts, the staff directory on the district website does not list direct email addresses, but the directory does show staff name, school, title and phone extension. Emails are removed to protect the district from phishing attacks by hackers who use emails to pose as someone within an organization. Unfortunately, school districts are not immune from ransomware and other serious cyber attacks. To support our cybersecurity efforts, we ask that parents/guardians email teachers and staff via Infinite Campus. Thank you for your support!
If you need to send an email to a staff member who is not your student's teacher, please contact the main office of your student's school.