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Infinite Campus

All parents/guardians are asked to set up their Infinite Campus Parent Portal account. Infinite Campus is the district's web-based student information portal that contains family contact information and includes various student information including:

  • attendance and discipline
  • report cards
  • health information
  • teacher assignments and class schedule
  • other school activities (middle and high school)

Please note: Your family's contact information in Infinite Campus is used to communicate urgent notifications such as weather delays, closings or emergencies. It is essential for parents/guardians to maintain current contact information including preferred email and phone numbers.

Click here to access Infinite Campus

Campus Parent and Student Mobile App

Download the Infinite Campus mobile app - available in the App Store and Google Play!

Read more about the features of the Infinite Campus mobile app

Schoology: Grades and Assignments

In addition to setting up an Infinite Campus account, all parent/guardians of student, grade 6-12, are asked to set up a Parent Schoology Account. Schoology is the learning management system used by all WMS and WHS teachers for assignments and grades.

learn more about schoology

Infinite Campus vs. Schoology - What's the Difference?



Student demographic Information (grade level, address, phone, email, etc.)

Unified Student Calendar of Events/Assignments for all courses

Parent/Guardian Contact Information and Emergency Contact Information

Detailed assignments and grades

Student Schedule  

Extracurricular/group     announcements

Overall Course Grades/Marking Period Grade (Report Cards)


IE Course Requests (WHS Only)


Health Records









Both platforms provide notifications and messaging to parents and students via email and app notifications.